Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I carry a cross in my pocket
I carry a cross in my pocket.
A simple reminder to me
of the fact that I am a Christian.
No matter where I may be.

This little cross is not magic.
Nor is it a good luck charm.
It isn't meant to protect me
from every physical harm.

It's not for identification.
For all the word to see.
It's simply an ununderstanding between my Savior and me.

When I put my hand in pocket
to bring out a coin or key.
The Cross is there to remind me
of the price he paid for me.

It reminds me too, to be thankful
for my blessing day by day
And to strive to serve Him better.
In all that I do and say.
It's also a daily reminder
of the peace and comfort. I share
with all who know my Master.
And give themselves to care.

So I carry a cross in pocket.
Reminding no one but me.
That Jesus Christ is lord of my life.
If only I'll let him be.
We won!!

My team sold the most boxes of chocolates for our league fundraiser!! Can you believe that ? And only 8 of us sold boxes. I was the highest seller for my team , I sold 4 boxes!! Watch out Mr Paine, theres a new sales woman in town !!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

This is my hamster little girl, my mom likes to call her Poopa Houdini ...Because she poops so much and is always trying to escape!! Well she has developed a problem we are hoping someone can help with...One of her eyes is bulging and red! We dont know what to do....she is fine otherwise..stil eating and playing...but it looks pretty bad..this was the best picture we could get cuz she wont hold still. My dad is wearing a glove becuase we were rinising her eye with water and he didnt want to get bit!! If anyone has any ideas we would greatly apreciate your help!!!

*** UPDATE : Poopa fought for a few weeks but past away last Tue. We will all miss her very much!
If you think about it please pray for Tawni...she is having a really hard time with this !!

Friday, October 14, 2005


My Great Granny Gish is here for the new baby that my aunt Jessica will have on sat.oct.8.05. It will be a boy, they will name him Kaiden.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Kaiden is HERE!!!!

Kaiden is here! He is 9 lbs 2 oz, 20 in long, he is soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

You Know You want It!!

mmmm.......it meal's in your mouth and it help kid's that don't have money to pay for soccer. With your generic support the kid that could not pay for it before well now they can and it will all be because you help out. The chocolate cost $2.00 the chocolate we have is w.f.crisp bar and almond bar we also have chocolate coverd almond's, chocolate coverd raising, and caramel chocolate, mint chocolate and if you get now you get a $2.00 coupon for pizza hut and if buy a hole box (that would be 30 chocolate) I would give you 3 extra coupon's.

The Last Box So Get It While You Can!!

I am selling my very last box so get it while you can!! Writ now I have 3 w.f.crisp bar's and 5 almond bar's 3 mint meltaway's and 3 chocolate covered almond's and that's it so by 1.....2.......3 ok 14 while you can!!

No more chocolate!!

You have lost your chance I am not selling eny more you did't bye enough you will bye a hole box next year!! Even if you are all read selling one including you misses pain!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I love Soccer!!

I love soccer!! I am on a teem. We are called the falcon's!! The picture on the top is one of me at practice .We have 16 girl's on the teem. We have games every Saturday. This last Saturday we played the cougars and we lost. We had 0 they had 3. Suprising since we have very good defense and they had very very bad kick's!! And this Saturday I will go against tornado and we will win!!

This saturday we well.....We had a tie. It was 0 to 0, but this Saturday we will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will play the star's.

We lost the scoor was us 0 them 3. This saturday we will play the someone so I will tell you this saturday and we will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Trip To Mexico

Well my first impression of Mexico.......HOT!! So HOT...felt like I was climbing into an oven. And our first house was...Well small....And my bed, (if that's what you want to call it) had a little metal thing that poked me all night! OUCH! The houses were made of cinderblock and all of them had bars on the windows.

I had a fun time. I made a few friends, and I loved the worship there. People danced and sang didn't know what they were saying but it was fun to see people so excited about God.
I wish the old people of my church could move like that!

I was baptized in the Holy Spirit while I was there and can now pray in tongues ! I got to share my testimony (VERY SCARY) but I did it !! We got to help out at a school, teaching in classes, and cleaning the building. It was nice to feel like I was really blessing someone.