Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Trip To Mexico

Well my first impression of Mexico.......HOT!! So HOT...felt like I was climbing into an oven. And our first house was...Well small....And my bed, (if that's what you want to call it) had a little metal thing that poked me all night! OUCH! The houses were made of cinderblock and all of them had bars on the windows.

I had a fun time. I made a few friends, and I loved the worship there. People danced and sang didn't know what they were saying but it was fun to see people so excited about God.
I wish the old people of my church could move like that!

I was baptized in the Holy Spirit while I was there and can now pray in tongues ! I got to share my testimony (VERY SCARY) but I did it !! We got to help out at a school, teaching in classes, and cleaning the building. It was nice to feel like I was really blessing someone.


Bickler3 said...

I was so proud of you on this trip ! You did a great job ! Love you !

TawniB said...

Thank you. I am perfet and you know it!!

Chickadeeva said...

Wow Tawni - what a HUGE thing!

I'm excited for you!